Bloggers up in arms about Forbes cover

Okay, Forbes officially doesn’t get it. You know how on Slashdot, commenters tend to label an entire article Flamebait? This is one of those cases.

To quote Admiral Ackbar (and the millions of Fark photoshoppers out there), I think “It’s a trap!”

I think they’re trying to lure out the blogging community and get us to validate their story. Show that we truly are a mob and are as bad as they want to make us out to be.

Well, you know what? Fuck them. Fuck them sideways with a pointed stick. We don’t need Fucking Forbes. Not for a damn thing.

If you’ve made it past my profanity laced tirade, check out what Scoble and others have to say about this. I’m linking to Scoble out of fairness, as I saw it posted there first (I was late to the blogosphere today. Sue me!), and as he’s using Wordpress now, trackbacks are nice and easy. He has the Memeorandum link up also.

Scobleizer - Microsoft Geek Blogger » Bloggers up in arms about Forbes cover

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