We Interrupt This Blog . . .

To bring you this discussion between Mulder and Skinner.Before I reprint this, I must not that this will probably be a one time deal and that the usual wacky antics of Tom will resume soon enough. Tonight, however, I was struck with an idea, and so this must be done. So I apologize to the few faithful readers out there.That being said, our scene falls in Skinner's office, where Mulder is no stranger.Skinner: Thanks for coming in this morning Mulder. I realize that with your recent trip to investigate those sleep deprived people in Alabama and those classes you're taking at Georgetown you've been really out of it lately.Mulder: When am I not out of it? I work in the basement, remember? I stay up all night with my computer trying to find the truth.Skinner: Well, yes. Funny that you mention that computer of yours. That's why I asked you in here today.Mulder: Has the FBI finally approved my request for one of their Cray supercomputers? Or at the very least, one of those sexy new TiBooks?Skinner: No, and for the last time, we're not getting you a Cray.Mulder: Damn. And you got my hopes all up.Skinner: Mulder, this is serious. Your blog is causing a big stir in the office.Mulder: Me rambling about David Lynch movies and the Loch Ness Monster is causing a stir? Doesn't anyone have sex in the copy room anymore? Is is that dead out there?Skinner: Sigh. No, Mulder, this is about what you write about your co-workers.Mulder: Hold on a minute. Any Sasquatch references are actully about Sasquatch, not your secretary.Skinner: Dammit Mulder, you know what I mean. And she isn't that hairy.Mulder: I don't write about my co-workers, Director Skinner.Skinner: I know who Natasha is. And Boris too.Mulder: Yeah, they're cartoon characters.Skinner: In your blog, they're Scully and yourself. I made the connection the other day, and so have many of your colleagues.Mulder: So what? Is there anything else I can do about this? Nope, so I journal about it in my own particular idiom. Why should that matter to anyone else?Skinner: Because "Natasha" has been reading recently.Mulder: (stares blankly at Skinner)Skinner: Yes, Mulder, it's true. She got wind of the blog somehow and has been reading nightly.Mulder: Does, does she know?Skinner: I don't know. Why don't you ask her?Mulder: Because I've been unprofessional enough as it is. That would just be another step in the wrong direction.Skinner: You sure it's wrong?Mulder: Who are you, Dr. Ruth now?Skinner: No, Mulder, I'm your boss. And cliche as it is, I'm also your friend. And I want to help you out before this becomes a nightmare.Mulder: Well, thanks I guess. But how do I avoid that nightmare?Skinner: Use that blog to your advantage. Slip some kind of hint in there. Invite an anonomyous comment with a clue that identifies her and her alone. Something along those lines. That way, you can keep things quiet and handle it properly.Mulder: That may just work.Skinner: I'm not the Director for nothing.Mulder: Thanks Walt.Skinner: No problem. And Mulder, before you go . . .Mulder: Yes?Skinner: When you talk about this in your blog tonight, and I know you will, can I be Mr. Big?Mulder: Having size issues?Skinner: Oh, forget it. Dismissed.Okay, yes I know it's bizarre, and I know I'm nuts. But, I had a stroke of inspiration, and just sat and did it.And for those wondering, there is no Skinner. I basically had this conversation inside my head.A real entry tomorrow- I promise. But I felt this was important.Goodnight all.Fox, er, Tom

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