Back From the Dead: Spring Break 2003 Recap

I'll again apologize for the delay in getting this up. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm lazy. I've got all kinds of drive, and if I need to get something done, it gets done, but I'm lazier than most rap groups. Before we get to the fun stuff, a housekeeping item: somebody wants a shoutout bigtime. Much of the country now knows the University of Dayton because their men's basketball team is doing so well. I've come to know this institution due to a hidden treasure in one of the halls there. A treasure that can play more instruments than I've touched in my lifetime. A treasure has the strange ability not to discern when it comes to the Fab Four. A treasure that I may never be able to unlock. Sorry the rest of you had to suffer though that. At least this cat didn't get an entire entry and then, well, you all know the story by now. Enough dwelling on the past. Actually, that's why we're here. You want to know exactly what Tom was up to while dwelling in near solitude during Spring Break. I can't figure out exactly why you're interested in this, so I'll just leave it at that and tell you what I got done. I really didn't get too much done. Surprised? Well, that's not entirely true. I made sure my bid for Associate Director of Business Administration has made it to the appropriate persons. Now, I just have to come up with a killer presentation. Something groundbreaking. Something different. Something that employs mind control techinques. Speaking of mind control, one of the two classic television shows I became hooked on this past week was The Prisoner. Do yourself a favor: find the DVDs (my library had them), watch them, and then compare it to any of the crap that's on TV right now. WIth a few notable cable exceptions, you won't find anything that comes close at all. Patrick McGoohan had a show that was horribly ahead of it's time, and it still may be. TV show number two was Twin Peaks. I first became interested in this creepy soap when I caught the first half of Fire Walk With Me on IFC. I learn this week that my library (who needs Blockbuster when your library has great stuff like this, that you can check out for free, for a whole week?) has the first season DVD package. Course, the pilot is missing (something about different companies having distro rights), but thanks to EMule, I'm pulling that down right now. Let's hope it's in English. Anywho, Twin Peaks. So I'm all into this Twin Peaks deal. I was probably too young to have been into it 13 years ago when it captivated a nation for a summer. Today, however, I'm enraptured by this incredible piece of television. Why can't TV be this good today? And could they have picked foxier actresses? Yum. I also screened some old favorites: Chasing Amy, Can't Hardly Wait and Fantasia. I caught Atame! by Pedro Almodovar. Very twisted love story. Tonight it's time for my teem angst double feature (after RHA that is): Heathers and Ghost World. I've got a flick called Cube sitting on the hard drive, and I should watch that shortly (more on why I'm up at this ungodly hour later), 4 more episodes of the Prisoner in the chute and the Twin Peaks pilot of course (it's getting there). In another "God bless file sharing" moment, I've checked out a few classic wrestling matches. Onita. Hayusaba. Exploding barbed wire cage Totally messed up. Great stuff. Sunday was a strange day. I had been battling strange sleep patterns all week (no huge deal), but yesterday, I created a strange sleep pattern. I catnapped from 4:30 to 11:30 PM. Why would I do something so dumb? I don't know. But, I got all kinds of crazy ideas from semi-lucid dreams that occured in nice little 9 minute blocks. I've always wondered why the default time for snoozing was 9 minutes. Okay, I'm getting a little long in the tooth here. Sorry that this installment is so disjointed and not as focused as others have been, but it reflects last week better. I'll wrap up shortly. I promise. Go Seahawks! 11 seeded taking on last year's "champs" (more like chumps) Maryland. Watch us cruise into the Sweet Sixteen this year. Happy St. Patrick's Day for those readers who are Irish or Catholic or Both. Everyone else, please quite weasling in on a Catholic Feast day. We don't weasel in on Martin Luthor's birthday, do we? Just jokes folks. Stop being so sensitive! Anywho, Erin go brach! And to close, an older incident, but still important, in the ongoing saga of Scully and Mulder: Scully: You know Mulder, you don't have to escort me back to my place again. Mulder: I have little better to do than take you home Scully. If I wasn't here right now, I'd be at home watching Bigfoot videos. Scully: Putting me before Bigfoot videos? Something wrong tonight Mulder? Those crazy kids. Did I just call myself crazy? Yes, dammit, I did. I want more Ren and Stimpy downloads before TNN starts them up again. John K. is the man! And that's enough of my yammering. More focused and direct entries to come later. Hasta lumbago.

Tom Tostanoskijournal