My Colt Cabana Weekend

I got to meet Colt Cabana and Jimmy Jacobs when Colt recorded a live podcast at a now disgraced (though they are rebuilding) improv theater in Austin, Texas. Colt was the monologist at an improv show following his recording (it actually featured one of the people accused of wrongdoing at said theater, who I once ate at Magnolia Cafe with).

The next day both worked at an Anarchy Championship Wrestling show. This was a central Texas indy that ran shows at a bar. Yes, a bar. There was a courtyard with a stage, and the ring was placed in the middle. It was cheap, so I usually purchased front row seats. You might recognize Ember Moon, working as Athena, who I never was able to get a good picture of. ACH also made an appearance, in what I think was his last ACW show before going to Ring of Honor.

I apologize massively for my terrible photography :)