Another year, eh?

So another year is upon us. Amy and I spent NYE at home, watched the Boston Legal finale and got incredibly drunk. The wine glasses my mother sent for Christmas hold over half a bottle of wine each, so the Stump Jump went quickly, followed by some boxed red wine and a bottle of Asti. We were drunker than Dean Martin. I'd like to wish a happy new year to everyone who reads my blog. I thank you for checking it out. I know it's not the best, but that's something I plan to work on this year. Well, this and getting my yoga done.

Wil Wheaton did a neat year in review post, looking back at everything he'd blogged. I think I'm going to try that tomorrow, after trying to figure out Objective-C delegates again.

We also get a new bed tomorrow. More fodder for this thing.

Enjoy 2009 everyone. I'll try to make it more enjoyable.
