
So, I scared shitless right about now. I've been reading Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. It's great, and I'll link to the full text of the book on Cory's site later. I think it will be my favorite book once I'm done reading it.

The story is fiction, but the setting is very real. Imagine a world where following another major terrorist attack, we lose even more freedoms to a second Patriot Act. Not too difficult, is it?

The book is creeping me out in ways that no book has before. I have little fear of rabid German shepherds. I scoff at clown monsters attacking children. I got bored with reanimated corpses.

The loss of my few remaining freedoms gives me the willies.

I set up GPG tonight. I'll post my public key here tomorrow, after I go see Wargames.

Remember when the commies were the ones after us and not our own government? I long for those simpler times.