
I can't sleep. I completely botched my sleep schedule by agreeing to participate in my girlfriend's all-nighter. Somehow, even after all the Red Bull she drank, she slept, and I was up all night playing BloodRayne. I really didn't like BloodRayne. I don't know why I kept playing. It might have been recapturing my lost youth. Days of guzzling caffeine and playing video games until my thumbs hurt.

It might have been the fact that I wanted to keep playing that disaster, like watching the proverbial train wreck. There were so many issues. Voice clips that played back long after the caption displayed. Effects that occurred too late (I nearly lost it seeing an elevator fall on some Nazis only for their models to clip through it, then scream in terror and die). The inability to aim, or even have a targeting reticle.

It was probably just a horrible lapse of judgement. I keep having those for some reason.

GameTap and Red Bull aside, I'm awake again. I was in and out all day long. And I have work in a few hours. Allergy shots prior to that. My vacation can't come any sooner.

Thankfully, that starts Monday afternoon.

Amy and I are going to South Padre Island. Sure, it's December, but it'll be warm. It's been a toasty December here in Texas. Sure, there will be very little to do, as it's off season. But we need time away from the Austin area. And I haven't seen a beach since Wrightsville over a year ago.

We're spending three nights down there, then coming back up to see The Toadies, speaking of recapturing my youth. We were gaga over these guys back in Middle School, or maybe ninth grade. Amy saw them earlier in the year, right before she came to visit me in New York. I won tickets in the same manner she did: texting a radio station. Beats trying to be caller number X (which I've been on a few occasions in the past).

A week from Saturday I turn 27. It's hard to imagine, but it's true. I'm getting up there. Well, not like some cats are. I don't know, I just feel old. Amy's turning 26 a few days prior. Having a December birthday and coming to dread this time of year isn't something isolated to me. I guess the whole birthday and Christmas gift paradigm combined with the lack of sunlight tends to add up.

I think I'm going to pop a Sonata and catch some shuteye, as much as I'm enjoying listening to "The Mist" in 3D audio and playing with WriteRoom. I wish this thing had a means of publishing right to the blog. I kind of like writing with no distractions. I think I'm gonna pay for this one.

I'll post again before we leave, and probably photoblog some while we're out there.

Goodnight, world.