Humpday, Part 1

I'm a Gin & Tonic, discover your ALcoHoLiC personality!(Quiz dead, like removed) Yeah, that seems to be the new Quiz craze. I was shooting for martini, because I'm best when I'm extra dry.

Okay, that sounded really, really bad.

Not much reason to write tonight, but felt the need. Mai Lai days just keep on coming. If I don't get my ass out of bed tomorrow morning and not have the desire to lob grenades at a village, I don't know what I'll do.

On a better note, College Bowl started tonight. It's one of the few things in life that I'm really good at. I spend all this time putting worthless rediculous knowledge in my head when I should be trying to figure out how to get chicks.

All right, before the Women's International Conspiracy Against Tom (WICAT) adds more fuel to their propaganda compaign, I want to qualify that last statement. By calling women "chicks" I mean no harm nor do I wish to demean them. I just like the word. And Lord only knows what you evil beings with no penes call us.

Okay, now they really hate me. In any event, the new prospect is involved in this College Bowl deal. Should be interesting, to say the least.

I really, really have to screen the Manchurian Candidate tonight. If I don't, I'm in trouble. So, I'm off to get rid of all these people messaging me, and then watch Sinatra try to act. Hasta Lumbago

Tom Tostanoskijournal