On picture disks, Linux and The Office

I dig AFI, but mostly their years on Nitro Records. I found this picture disk at Hot Topic that has their cover of Totalimmortal and a bunch of songs I don't know. Well worth it. Sounds great upmixed in DTS Neo:6.Yes, I'm upmixing a punk record. Sue me. Dapper is coming along nicely. I've basically got everything set up, and it's a day prior to release. I wonder if anything will ship last minute. I'll have to check my updates later. It's already tomorrow in South Africa, so for all I know, it's time to Release Party now. I should party tomorrow night. Heineken Lights, pizza, insanity. Everyone within the sound of this AFI record is invited. Hmm, maybe I should raise the volume a bit? I bring the Office back up for two reasons. Firstly, it was a fantastic season finale. I'm going to lose it waiting for it to start up again in September, along with How I Met Your Mother and Lost. Damn cliffhangers. Secondly, I mentioned in a previous post about how the whole Jim-Pam thing mirrored my life at a previous job. I figure since nobody is reading this (and if you are, please comment and let me know), I'll do up a whole post about the sitution, with the names changed to protect the innocent and the knuckle-dragging. I might do this later, after watching Habla con Ella (Talk to Her), the last of my Netflix DVDs for this round. Hold up, gotta flip the record over. Okay, all done. More AFI goodness. Figure I'll watch a quirky, yet serious romantic movie before getting all mushy on you cats (all zero of you). You know, it's reall cool watching the picture go round on the turntable. I gotta get more of these, as just watching a plain black vinyl spin is boring as all hell. Time to tweak the main page (the link blog, if you will), then a workout, then Almodovar. If I'm feeling right, I'll tell my story. Hasta lumbago.